Saturday, October 8, 2011

My Old Body

We all grow old. Someone once joked, “I like growing old better than the alternative!” I’m not so sure. I’m just 44 but I’m running out of expendable organs! I lost my appendix a few years ago, now I might be losing my gallbladder.

Tuesday night I awakened with strong stomach pain and hugged the bowl from 1:30-4:30am. I just figured it was something I ate that wasn’t sitting right (we ate at a Mexican place for staff lunch that day). I had no fever and felt otherwise fine so I didn’t think it was a virus. My stomach continued to bother me—so much so that I couldn’t concentrate on my work. I tried to eat something for lunch. Big mistake! I became violently sick from 3:00 to 6:00pm with extreme stomach pain. I didn’t eat anything after that for the rest of the day because I was feeling so queasy. Thursday morning I felt a little better. I ate a little cereal and felt shaky again but was ok. I didn’t eat anything the rest of the day and had a great night’s sleep. Friday I woke up feeling great, I drank some milk and was fine. Then I totally did something stupid. Thinking my “sickness” was over I had two pieces of pizza. One hour later I was experiencing MAJOR pain in the top center of my stomach. It went on for hours. By 5:00pm, I was hurting so bad Darla called the doctor. They said to go to the ER. On the way, I was near passing out from pain. After hooking up the I.V. and getting some pain meds, they did some tests, including ultrasound, finding polyps in my gallbladder. I went home and the pain meds wore off—it’s been hurting a little since. I get more tests on Monday, and may have to have it removed. Since then I’ve been walking softly, drinking only water and eating hardly anything (and nothing fatty).

It’s been a rough ride since turning 40! In addition to appendicitis, I’ve had back surgery, and had to wear glasses for the first time in my life! It’s really kind of funny, and I’m thankful that it hasn’t been worse (as others have unfortunately experienced!). But it’s another reminder of the frailty and finite nature of our earthly bodies. It reminds me not to love this world. It makes me look forward to heaven! It makes me thankful for Darla (who's been really great).


Dan said...

Chad, Sorry you are feeling so bad. Andrea and I hope your condition gets resolved without too much additional pain and suffering.

When I was in my late 50s and having some physical problems, I told a friend of mine that I hadn't appreciated my 40s enough. His depressing reply was that I probably wasn't appreciating my 50s enough either.

We will pray for you.

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain big guy! I had my gall bladder removed too after turning 40. You better lighten up on the pork bbq and pizza! Seriously, I'll be praying for you. That was the worst pain I have ever experienced.

Chris T.