Tuesday, September 2, 2014

One Step Closer

We awakened Monday morning in Darjeeling to a monsoon. Darjeeling is about the same elevation as Clingman's Dome, so it is cloudy, misty, and cool most of the time. After an omelet, toast, and tea breakfast at the hotel (which I am less enthusiastic about after seeing a rat walk right through the dining room yesterday),
we jeeped three or four hours down the mountain (crazy steep!), through several small towns, across a swollen river, and to the town of Kalimpong. We are closer to our target area. If the last hotel was a dump, this one is like an old English colonial house made into a hotel. It's pretty awesome. Teak floors, stairs, and ceilings; antique
Don't worry dudes, Jesse and I
separated the beds. Just because. 
furniture; plaster walls and fireplaces. It's at least 100 years old! Darla and my kids would LOVE this place. Please understand, we deserve a little break from the sounds, smells, pace, cleanliness (or lack of it), and attitudes of Darjeeling. Some of us were struggling with getting enough sleep and one (unnamed) is having digestive struggles. All of us are tired.

This town has two things we're looking for: some Christians we can collaborate with, and some people from our target country.
Please pray for us.

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